Monday 1 August 2011

Great love - and care... Thank YOU!

The care, love and participation we too have experienced the last days have really touched us. Many greetings from Polish friends - and other too. We have as their Norwegian links received very clear messages. Thank YOU!

The terrorist attacks and many lost lives have strongly touched our friends. They are challenged to stand together with Norway - and we as Norwegians: - We're with you. We're praying for Norway. Yours sorrow is our sorrow...

Norway has answerd the attack with roses... Oslo is the city of roses. Everywhere. Beatiful. Ad some pictures in between messages we have received... Look! Click on "Les hele saken" - below.

Outside The Parlament
Dear Brother
What terrible has happened in Oslo. We are praying for you and your nation...
In front of Nobel Peace Centre
I am just writing to you now. We came home from our vacation and we hardly knew what had happened in Norway. But we are very sorry about it. We stay in prayer together with you. Let God bless your nation and church.
In Christ Adam, Ela & Jonathan
By the Townhall
Hello, it's been sad to follow news about the shooting and bombing in Oslo. I just hope none of your loved one was affected. Good day.
In front of the Parlament
Dear Krysia and Asmund,
We were very sorry to hear what happened in Norway. Please take our condolences.
In Christ's love, Agatka & Kamil

In front of Oslo Cathedral
Dear Norwegian Friends Moved by the cruel events in Norway - bombing of government buildings in downtown Oslo, and the crime committed participants in the youth camp on the island Utoya - we would like to give you and the families of the victims of the tragedy, the words of sorrow, heartfelt compassion and sincere condolences.
Regards Izabela Jachim-Kubiak, Preses Zarządu, Fundacja Pomocy Dzieciom "Kolorowy Świat"

I want to express my condolences to the Norwegian people over the bomb explosion that devastated a government building in the Norwegian capital, Oslo. All my family were briefed on the explosion in Oslo, and on reports of shootings at a youth camp outside the Norwegian capital.
Regards Agnieszka

Wow! such a peaceful country and great people, gets such a horrible news.... Åsmund and Krystyna you are in our prayers :(
Anna D.

Dear Asmund,
We are moved and shocked with the recent events in Norway. It is a big tragedy for many families. We are sending our warm thoughts to your nation and prayers for all Norwegians.
We are with You in this hard time!
Maja and Wojtek

By the street next to the Parlament
I and Oksana are trilled what happened yesterday in Norway this is usually such a peaceful country. We join with you in pain and mourning, as was particularly that killed so many very young people. We will pray for tomorrow at the service of your country, and peace and security.
Jarek and Oksana.
A street corner close to the attacked area
Praying for you! You and Norway. Be in God's peace.


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